British actress
Adjoa Andoh is a British film, television, stage and radio actress. She is known on the UK stage for lead roles at the RSC, the National Theatre, the Royal Court Theatre and the Almeida Theatre. She is also a familiar face on British television, notably in two series of Doctor Who as companion Martha's mother Francine Jones; 90 episodes of the BBC's long-running medical drama Casualty as Staff Nurse Colette Griffiths ; and a year in the BBC's EastEnders. Andoh is the voice of the audio book version of Alexander McCall Smith's “How to Raise an Elephant” released in 2020, from the series of No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency novels.
Read more onThere are 22 more famous people who are born on the same day as Adjoa Andoh. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.
See more birthdays on 14th JanuaryThere are 124 more celebrities who are age 62 like Adjoa Andoh. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.