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31st July 1974

Emilia Fox

UK actress

Emilia Rose Elizabeth Fox is an English actress whose film debut was in Roman Polanski's film The Pianist. Her other notable films include the Italian–French–British romance-drama film The Soul Keeper (2002), for which she won the Flaiano Film Award for Best Actress; the drama film The Republic of Love (2003); the comedy-drama film Things to Do Before You're 30 (2005); the black comedy Keeping Mum (2005); the romantic comedy-drama film Cashback (2006); the drama Flashbacks of a Fool (2008); the drama film Ways to live Forever (2010); the drama-thriller A Thousand Kisses Deep (2011); and the fantasy-horror drama film Dorian Gray (2009).


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  • Emilia Fox
  • Age:
  • Birthday:
    31st July 1974
  • Gender:
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  • Place of Birth:
  • Country:
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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