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22nd June 1903

John Dillinger

American bank robber

John Herbert Dillinger was an American gangster in the Depression-era United States. He operated with a group of men known as the Dillinger Gang or Terror Gang, which was accused of robbing 24 banks and four police stations, among other activities. Dillinger escaped from jail twice. He was also charged with, but never convicted of, the murder of an East Chicago, Indiana, police officer who shot Dillinger in his bullet-proof vest during a shootout, prompting him to return fire; despite his infamy, it was Dillinger's only homicide charge.


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  • John Dillinger
  • Lived from
    1903 - 1934 (Died age 31)
  • Birthday:
    22nd June 1903
  • Gender:
  • Star Sign:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Country:
    United States of America

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