American actor
John Hawkes is an American actor, known for his portrayal of the merchant Sol Star on the HBO series Deadwood, Dustin Powers on Eastbound & Down, backwoods meth addict Teardrop Dolly in Winter's Bone, for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, and his Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award-nominated portrayal of Mark O'Brien in The Sessions. Other notable works of his include Martha Marcy May Marlene, Low Down and From Dusk Till Dawn.
Read more onThere are 9 more famous people who are born on the same day as John Hawkes. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.
See more birthdays on 11th SeptemberThere are 123 more celebrities who are age 65 like John Hawkes. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.