Canadian actor
Lothaire Bluteau is a Canadian actor. He was born in Montreal, Quebec and performs in both French and English. Lothaire Bluteau has worked in theatre, film and television throughout Canada and internationally. He abandoned medicine for the theatre and was first noticed for his performance as a mentally challenged youth in Yves Simoneau’s Les Fous de bassan. After receiving great acclaim for the lead in the stage version of Being at Home with Claude, he won a best actor Genie Award for his performance in Denys Arcand's Oscar-nominated Jésus de Montréal. He has since appeared in Black Robe and Robert Lepage's Le Confessionnal, and his international credits include Orlando (1992) and I Shot Andy Warhol (1996).
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See more birthdays on 14th AprilThere are 95 more celebrities who are age 67 like Lothaire Bluteau. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.