American actor
Mateus Cole Ward is an American actor. He is known for his roles as Jake Sanders in the CBS television series Hostages, and as Dustin Maker in the TNT television series Murder in the First. He is also known for his role as the older Stevie Botwin in the series finale of the Showtime comedy-drama series Weeds, and for his recurring role as Marcus Davenport on the Disney XD fantasy series Lab Rats.
Read more onThere are 23 more famous people who are born on the same day as Mateus Ward. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.
See more birthdays on 18th JanuaryThere are 81 more celebrities who are age 26 like Mateus Ward. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.