American guitarist
Mickael Gordon "Mick" Thomson is an American musician. He is one of two guitarists for the heavy metal band Slipknot, in which he is designated #7. Thomson originally met founding Slipknot members Anders Colsefni, Donnie Steele and Paul Gray through their mutual involvement in death metal band Body Pit, later joined in early 1996. Following the departure of fellow band mate and drummer Joey Jordison in 2013, Thomson is now the third longest-serving member of Slipknot.
Read more onThere are 14 more famous people who are born on the same day as Mick Thomson. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.
See more birthdays on 3rd NovemberThere are 151 more celebrities who are age 51 like Mick Thomson. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.