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24th May 1887

Simeon G. Murafa

Bessarabian activist, journalist, composer

Simeon Gheorghevici Murafa was a Bessarabian politician in the Russian Empire, also known as a publicist and composer. A trained classical singer and a graduate of Saint Vladimir (Shevchenko) University, he was one of the leading activists supporting ethnic Romanian emancipation in Bessarabia and beyond. By 1914, he associated with the revolutionary core of the Romanian nationalist movement, which he represented as director of Cuvânt Moldovenesc newspaper.


Simeon G. Murafa is known for being a:

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  • Simeon G. Murafa
  • Lived from
    1887 - 1917 (Died age 30)
  • Birthday:
    24th May 1887
  • Gender:
  • Star Sign:
  • Place of Birth:
    Cotiujenii Mari
  • Country:
    Moldova (Republic of)

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