American musician
Van Dyke Parks is an American musician, songwriter, arranger, and record producer who has composed various film and television soundtracks. He is known for his 1967 album Song Cycle and for his lyrics on the Beach Boys' unfinished album Smile. In addition to producing or arranging albums by Randy Newman, Harry Nilsson, Phil Ochs, Little Feat, Happy End, Ry Cooder, and Joanna Newsom, Parks has worked with performers such as Syd Straw, Ringo Starr, U2, Grizzly Bear, Inara George, Kimbra and Silverchair.
Read more onThere are 28 more famous people who are born on the same day as Van Dyke Parks. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.
See more birthdays on 3rd JanuaryThere are 45 more celebrities who are age 82 like Van Dyke Parks. We're showing the top 4 most popular below but you can see the rest here.